United Medicare Advisors

Compare Medicare plans and save an average of $634!

  • Easily compare plans from over 20 top-rated carriers
  • Find your best-fit plan at your best-fit price, no strings attached
  • Make better healthcare decisions with a licensed agent by your side.

United Medicare Advisors Reviews

    The employees of United Medicare Advisors are really great to work with

    Because I needed more information with regard to my medicare supplements, I called United Medicare for some advice. I doubted their services in the beginning because of earlier experiences with other companies but I must tell, that the service I got from the employee of this company was very caring, professional and friendly. It was very excellent to work with them. While gathering my data to support the application, the customer care person anticipated on my questions well. She explained the specialized industry terms so that I had a better understanding of what was asked from me and so that I could have confidence in providing answers. Before we concluded, the insurer had accepted the application. In just a few days, my policy was issued. My new Medicare supplement coverage will save me over $580 per month. I am so pleased with my new coverage. I am very happy with the advice I got from this organization. Thank you very much for the great service United Medicare Advisors.

    United Medicare Advisors gets help from unbiased licensed agents, provides free services and compares top providers. Furthermore the service I got was very professional and very caring.

    The services of United Medicare Advisors are not available in every state.

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